Midi Template Box

This box allows you to save the timing of the currently loaded loop into a standard midi file. You MUST enter (correct) values into the bars and beats boxes for this function to be effective.

After clicking this option, you will be shown the common keymap dialog box. Enter the name of the track as you want it to appear in the æBank / track NameÆ box (HINT: this will aid identification in you sequencer!). Choose the Base Note (i.e. the note the first sample will be mapped to in the midi file, such as C-1, E-3) with the controls on the left, and the interval (the number of notes left between each note) with the up and down buttons on the right. Reset resets the options.

Select æUse white keys onlyÆ to map the sample only to white keys. In this case, only the octave is selectable. Select æReverse notes in midi fileÆ to reverse the keyboard mapping. This feature is best used with the quantise function of your sequencer (particularly groove quantise) to create interesting effects. Use the æUse Base Note onlyÆ option to map the segments to the base key only. This may prove useful where timing extraction only is required (for groove templates?), or to allow you to assign a bass sound which æfollowsÆ the drums. Do not use the option with sound banks, as youÆll get a repeating note! The æSmoothingÆ option extends each segment when saved by a user definable percentage, allowing loops to be slowed down further than usual without glitching û click here for a full explanation.. If the number of notes used would exceed 128, a message will appear û æWARNING û samples exceed available notesÆ. In this case, reduce the interval, lower the start note, or ensure that there are fewer samples to be saved (e.g. by reducing the sensitivity or sample length).

When finished, click æOkÆ to choose a filename and save, or æCancelÆ to cancel.